Private Newman is being questioned by Pablo until he's knocked out with a rifle butt to the head. The game begins with two members of Mustang Squad imprisoned in the compound of an international terrorist named Pablo's. The single-player campaign also boasts new Quick-Time Events to add a new level of excitement to the gameplay. As well, 4th generation devices utilizing a Retina Display have even better graphics on top of that, as well as gyroscopic controls on the iPhone 4 and fourth generation iPod Touch. The graphics have advanced considerably since the previous game, due to the power of a new engine. The player can also crouch, throw grenades, use their weapon's iron sights, reload, change weapon, pick up different weapons, knife enemies, mantle obstcles and shoot using buttons and prompts on the touch screen. Players control their character with a virtual joystick on the left side of the screen, while looking around the game's environments is controlled by swiping or dragging on the screen. The game is controlled using virtual buttons on-screen a virtual control stick is used for movement, while aiming is achieved by swiping on the screen.

There are three controllable characters in the game Chief Warrant Officer "Chief" Warrens (the protagonist from Sandstorm), Sergeant Anderson, and Private Newman, who are members of Delta, Razor, and Mustang Squads, respectively. As with Sandstorm, Black Pegasus plays similarly to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, as players travel through various environments, such as a snowy mountain and a jungle.